
It's hard to be 25, you say? // Girls HBO

Where oh where do I start?

I have this problem where when I feel very strongly about something and have so many things to say about it, that when I'm required to write about the subject, for example in this blog, my mind goes into a mini haywire. I AM BLANK! Frustrating. *composing self*

If you are on the verge of becoming a self sufficient woman, but not quite there yet and you're just trying to hold on to depending on your parents, then this one is for you.

Plot: Four girls in their 20's who go about their lives. 

Genre: Drama, Romance, Comedy

How long til I caught up to latest episode: Three and a half days

If you liked this you might like: Shameless (USA), This is England '83, New Girl

It is probably one of the most relatable things I have ever watched. Hannah is the lead role and is played by Lena Dunham. She wrote the series and is directing, if I am correct, almost all of the episodes. Legend. 

This series felt like it has understood the young generation of today, people who are incapable of living adult lives, and has documented it for our own entertainment. 

We are much more reliant on technology, friends, government benefits!! and in this case our parents, that by the time when you're twenty-one and you're just fresh out of university, you just think, "hmm, yeah I will need to move out soon, don't I? Need to get a job",that is the problem. It is so hard to find a job because of the competition, the economic climate and worst case scenario is when you have studied a subject for three years and by the end of it you decide that it is not for you! Not to mention the infamous student loan that you have to pay off. Stress. So how are other people coping?

Girls is here to save you, to make you laugh, to let you know that you're not alone. It's all about survival and trying to get along in this series. Yes, there have been other shows who have had the same themes and plots but the characters in Girls are quite different and fresh. Put it this way, I reckon there is a good number of people in this day and age who can very much relate to their personality. Me, included!!! 

Some people say negative things about the Adult Content of the show but I watch it for the story. I personally think it doesn't need it. Just to throw it out there, there are some values that I don't exactly agree with, BUT, people just want to watch life. It's just life. Not everybody's life to be exact, but someone is living Lena Dunham's story right now. Although I am not quite at that stage where I have to think of rent and bills, but I am very close to it and in a blink, it will be here. *freak out* 

Go get a cuppa and try it out right now. Let me know what you think.

Adie xx 

What grabbed me : 

Hannah (on hearing news that her parents are not going to be supporting her any more) : My groovy lifestyle? This is nuts. I could be a drug addict. Do you realise how lucky you are? 

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